Tennessee: Additional Requirements for Unemployment Benefits Claimants
APPLIES TO All Employers with Employees in TN |
EFFECTIVE July 1, 2024 |
QUESTIONS? Contact HR On-Call |
Quick Look
Effective July 1, 2024, HB 1060 redefines how an individual claiming unemployment benefits shows that they are able to work, available for work, and making a reasonable effort to secure work under the Tennessee Employment Security Law. Prior law defined “making a reasonable effort to secure work” as the claimant providing detailed information regarding contact with at least three employers per week or must access services at a career center created by the department. The administrator would then verify the information provided. The amendment revises this requirement for defining “making a reasonable effort to secure work” to a claimant providing detailed information regarding at least four work search activities per week. The amendment also provides a list of acceptable work search activities in addition to the administrator verifying the new requirement.
The list of disqualifying events now also includes a claimant failing to appear for a scheduled job interview and is non-compliant with the work search requirements of the unemployment insurance program. The claimant is disqualified for benefits for the week the failure occurred. To help with enforcement, employers can report a claimant who fails to appear for a scheduled job interview through the Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development’s portal. Employers are not required to report claimants that violate the unemployment insurance program’s requirements but may opt to.
Action Items
- Review the bill here.
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