
Nevada: Extensive Legislative Updates


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The Nevada Legislature enacted a number of laws in 2019.  Below is a summary of legislative updates that impact employers.

AB 181 | Sick Day Notice.  Effective May 15, 2019, employers cannot require employees to be physically present at work in order to provide notification of an injury or illness requiring sick leave usage.  However, employers can continue to require employees to notify the employer when they are sick and cannot come to work.

AB 192 | Removal of Decriminalized Offenses.  Effective July 1, 2019, any person convicted of a decriminalized offense may request to have records of the offense sealed so they do not appear on background checks.

AB 226 | Microchip Implantation.  Effective October 1, 2019, employers or any other entity or individual cannot require a person to have a microchip implant or other permanent identification marker as a condition of employment.

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