August Updates
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This Short List addresses the following topics:
- EEO-1 Component 2 Reporting Resources Issued
- IRS Announces 2020 Health Savings Account Limits
- U.S. DOL Launches New Website for Wage Determination Data
- Sixth Circuit: FLSA Coverage Implicated by Using Out-of-State Products
- California: Sonoma, CA Minimum Wage Increases as of January 1, 2020
- Nevada: No Sexual Harassment Confidentiality in Settlement Agreements
- New Jersey: Discrimination Claim Does Not Require an Adverse Employment Action to Proceed
- New Jersey: Hotel Employers Must Provide Panic Buttons for Employees
- New Jersey: State Protections May Extend to Out-of-State Employees
- New York: Farmworkers Win the Right to Collectively Bargain
- Rhode Island: The Airline Deregulation Act Preempts State Sunday and Holiday Pay Laws
- Washington: Obesity is a Protected Class by Itself