EEO-1 Component 2 Reporting for 2017 AND 2018 is Due September 30, 2019
APPLIES TO All Employers subject to EEO-1 Reporting |
EFFECTIVE May 1, 2019 |
QUESTIONS? Contact HR On-Call |
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently issued reinstatement of EEO-1 expanded data collection requirements and posted notice on its website that EEO-1 filers are required to submit Component 2 data for calendar years 2017 AND 2018 by September 30, 2019. (EEO-1 filers include employers with one hundred or more employees as well as certain contractors with more than fifty employees.) This has been an ongoing issue since the requirement to collect Component 2 data was implemented in 2016, and the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) attempt to block its implementation in 2017. As previously reported, in Nat’l Women’s Law Ctr. v. Office of Mgmt. & Budget, a federal judge in the D.C. Circuit Court stated that the OMB failed to demonstrate good cause for staying the release of the updated EEO-1 report form.