
Upcoming Minimum Wage Increases


Certain Employers with Employees in CA, DC, IL, ME, MD, MN, OR


July 1, 2018


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(888) 378-2456

Minimum wage increases typically fall into the beginning or middle of each calendar year, with many states or localities increasing minimum wage rates in July.  Below is a short list of localities with upcoming minimum wage increases effective July 1, 2018.

Nevada: Interpreting “Health Benefits” for Minimum Wage Requirements


All Employers with NV Employees


May 31, 2018


Contact HR On-Call

(888) 378-2456

Nevada employers are permitted to pay the state’s lower-tier minimum wage rate if they offer health benefits. In MDC Restaurants, LLC v. The Eighth Judicial Dist. Court, the Nevada Supreme Court recently clarified what constitutes “health benefits.” Because the difference between the upper-tier and lower-tier minimum wage rates is $1.00, the court used “common sense” in stating that health benefits must be “at least equivalent to the one dollar per hour in wages that the employee would otherwise receive” and cost the employer at least an additional dollar in wages.

Fourth Circuit: FLSA Lodging Credit Still Applies to Hours-Worked Agreements


All Employers of MD, NC, SC, VA, and WV Employees


January 25, 2018


Contact HR On-Call

(888) 378-2456

The FLSA requires employees to be paid for all hours worked, and permits employers and employees to agree on the number of hours worked when the employee lives on the employer’s premises, provided that the FLSA’s wage and hour requirements are followed (e.g., minimum wage, overtime paid, etc.). In Balbed v. Eden Park Guest House, LLC, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal stated that even when an employer and employee enter into a reasonable agreement of hours worked, the FLSA’s requirements for calculating the lodging credit are still enforceable.