August Updates
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This Short List addresses the following topics:
- H-2B Visa Numerical Limit Increased for FY2017
- Employers Can Pay a Premium to Expedite H-1B Visa Processing Once More
- 2017 Veterans’ Employment and Training Service Filing Season Began August 1
- U.S. Department of Justice Files Brief Stating Title VII Does Not Protect Sexual Orientation
- First Circuit: Parts of the Massachusetts Earned Sick Time Law Do Not Apply to Railroad Workers
- Ninth Circuit: Mortgage Underwriters Are Not Exempt Under the FLSA Administrative Exemption
- California: DFEH Modifies Gender-Neutral Restroom Signage Rule for Non-Flushing Toilets
- Pennsylvania: Former Employees Are Not Entitled to Inspect Personnel Files
- Minneapolis, MN: Minimum Wage Will Increase to $15/hr by 2024
- St. Louis, MO: Minimum Wage Ordinance Nullified
- Rhode Island: Non-Competes Must Have Assignability Clauses to be Effective for New Owners
- Wisconsin: Revised Language, Requirements Regarding Employing Minors