
Third Circuit: FAAAA Does Not Preempt State Independent Contractor Laws


All Employers with DE, NJ, PA, or Virgin Islands Employees


January 29, 2019


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In Bedoya v. American Eagle Express Inc., the Third Circuit Court of Appeal stated that the Federal Aviation Authorization Administration Act of 1994 (FAAAA) does not preempt New Jersey’s wage and hour laws, permitting delivery drivers to continue with a suit under state wage and hour laws for improper classification as independent contractors.

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Ninth Circuit: California State Law Governs Employment Classification of Truck Drivers


Employers with CA Employees in the Motor Carrier Industry


September 10, 2018


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(888) 378-2456

In California Trucking Association v. Su, the Ninth Circuit stated that the Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Act (FAAAA) did not preempt California’s Labor Commissioner from using a state common law test to determine whether truck drivers are misclassified as independent contractors, because the test used is not related to prices, routes, or services. There, the California Trucking Association (CTA) filed suit against the Labor Commissioner claiming that owner-operator truck drivers are independent contractors, and asked the court for a declaration that federal law preempted the Commissioner from using the state’s standard.