
Oregon: Senate Bill Implements Fixes to Equal Pay Law


All Employers with OR Employees


January 1, 2020


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(888) 378-2456

Senate Bill 123 provides clarity to a few aspects of the Oregon Equal Pay Act (EPA), as well as a voluntary equal pay analysis safe harbor.

Under the EPA, employers are required to pay employees the same rate for work of comparable character, unless the pay differential can be attributed to one or more bona fide factors, such as a seniority system, merit system or system that measures earnings by quantity or quality.  SB 123 updates the definition of a “system” to mean “a consistent and verifiable method in use at the time that a violation is alleged.”

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Massachusetts: Attorney General Issues Guidance on Upcoming Statewide Equal Pay Law


Employers with MA Employees


July 1, 2018


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(888) 378-2456

On March 1, 2018, the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General issued guidance on the Act to Establish Pay Equity (the “Act”).  Originally signed in 2016 and soon-to-be effective on July 1, 2018, the law includes several significant new provisions designed to improve pay equity between employees of different genders. The Attorney General’s Guidance provides further clarity on how the Act applies to employers. Several key provisions are summarized below.

Washington: Ban-the-Box, Sexual Harassment, Equal Pay Law, and Discrimination Updates


Employers with WA Employees


June 6 and 7, 2018


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(888) 378-2456

The state of Washington recently passed several bills that affect employer practices.  HB 1298 created the Fair Chance Act prohibiting applicant criminal inquiries, SB 5996 prohibits employers from requiring employees to sign nondisclosure agreements regarding harassment or sexual assault, HB 1506 updates and expands the statewide Equal Pay Act, and HB 2661 prohibits discrimination of victims of domestic violence.

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